5 Lawn Care and Maintenance Tips

Golf course quality grass can make your property appear stunning. Having a nice looking lawn like the professionals can add so much to your home’s curb appeal.

Your healthy turf can provide a perfect setting for pick up soccer games and backyard cookouts. 

Creating a perfectly manicured lawn can be a lot of work. It requires research and understanding of what your grass needs to grow and flourish.

Maintaining a healthy lawn requires a solid routine and good strategies.

It is possible to have the amazing yard that you wish for. You can create an outdoor space that you’re proud of and love putting work into. There are some helpful strategies to having the lush, green lawn of your dreams.

Check the Soil pH 

A great lawn starts with quality soil. It’s essential that your grass has a good foundation to grow and thrive.

Regularly testing your lawn’s soil can guide you in treating it and creating a good lawn care routine.

To check the pH of your lawn, a testing kit can be purchased online or at your local nursery.

You’ll need to dig about six to eight inches below the surface of your lawn to retrieve a soil sample.

Follow the directions on the kit and make sure to check several places in your lawn for the most accurate results.

You want your soil to have as close to a neutral pH level as possible. Anything lower than that is considered acidic soil and anything higher than that indicates you have alkaline soil.

Most turfgrasses grow best in soil with a pH between 6.0 to 7.2. Taking steps towards achieving that range can give you the best chances for a healthy, lush lawn.

Acidic soil is prone to weeds, moss, and slow-growing grass. A great remedy for this is spreading ground limestone on your lawn.

The best time to apply is in the fall and spring when temperatures are mild and the elements can help the soil absorb the lime. 

Alkaline soil can prevent your grass from absorbing nutrients. The result can be fading green grass that’s thinning out.

Sulfur-based treatment can make your lawn healthier and allow it to get the nutrients it needs. 

You should check your pH regularly to adjust your lawn care routine.

This is the first step in establishing a balance in your soil. Your grass will be naturally greener, healthier, and more resistant to weeds.

Cut Grass Properly

Fresh cut grass can make your lawn look fresh and clean. However, cutting your grass properly is a huge part of keeping your lawn healthy.

Everything from your mower to your cutting methods can make or break the health of your grass.

It’s important to maintain your mower to ensure it’s performing its best.

Get your mower blades sharpened regularly so they can cleanly slice through blades of grass. This prevents your grass from being torn and damaged.

It might be tempting to cut your grass low to avoid having to mow as frequently. Ideally, your grass should be about two to three inches tall.

Trying not to remove more than a third of the blade at one time will lead to a thicker, healthier lawn.

Your grass has the ability to provide its own nutrients. When mowing, set your mower to mulch clippings and leave them in the yard.

These clippings break down and feed the grass. Plus, when seeds emerge from the tops of grass blades, you get the benefit of automatically planting more grass.

Getting Rid of Weeds

Dandelions, clover, and crabgrass all spread like wildfire and can quickly take over a yard.

Keeping these unwanted plants at bay can be a real challenge, and once out of control, they can quickly wreak havoc on your lawn.

Keeping your grass healthy and using a quality lawn service or products can help you keep your turf in tip-top shape. 

A knowledgeable lawn service will have the expertise to provide you with the right products for your specific grass and lawn situation.

They can expertly kill weeds and make your grass stronger and healthier. By using a customized treatment plan for your lawn, they will help it reach its fullest potential. 

If you prefer a do-it-yourself approach, it is possible to successfully maintain your lawn and get rid of weeds on your own.

It just requires good research and routine upkeep. You’ll have to apply several lawn treatments a year from spring to fall to keep your grass looking its best and clear of weeds. 

Thick, resilient grass is a strong defense for preventing weeds. A dense lawn doesn’t leave much space for weed seeds to grow.

Regularly fertilizing your yard will help make it full, lush, and unwelcome to unwanted plants. 

Watering The Right Way

You may look out on your lawn mid-August and notice that it’s quickly becoming dry and brittle.

Long, hot, summer days are treacherous for sensitive grass. A good watering routine is essential for keeping your yard looking great into the fall. 

To get the most out of your watering, try to do it first thing in the morning.

The hot afternoon sun will evaporate a lot of the water before the grassroots can absorb it. Watering closer to sunrise allows your lawn plenty of time to drink up. 

It’s best to water less often and water deeply. This allows even the deepest of the grassroots to get hydrated.

You want the water to reach down about six to eight inches into the soil.

You can make sure your lawn is adequately watered by pushing a screwdriver or weeding tool into the grass to make sure several inches of the soil are softened. 

A sprinkler system is an ideal way to water, especially in dry climates.

However, if you don’t want to make the investment, a simple hose sprinkler can do. Just look for one that waters evenly and move it around your yard to cover each area thoroughly. 

Aerating and Seeding

You want the roots of your lawn to be as healthy as possible so your grass can grow thick as strong.

Also, you want to be continuously thickening the grass to prevent weeds and create a full lawn. Aerating and seeding are two important steps for the healthiest lawn possible. 

An aerator punches small holes in the ground all over your lawn. Having your lawn aerated gives it a chance to breathe.

It supplies roots with the air they need to grow stronger and thrive. It also loosens the soil so the roots can access the nutrients they need more easily. 

It’s best to aerate your lawn when your type of grass it’s at its peak growing season.

For many cold weather climates, this is in the early fall or spring when weather is mild. In hotter climates, late spring and summer are ideal before temperatures spike.

Overseeding your lawn is an effective way to thicken your grass. This is best down in early fall when there is less competition from other plants.

Just make sure to time it at least a month or two before the first frost usually takes place. 


Proper mowing, careful watering, and providing your lawn with the best nutrition will create strong, healthy grass.

It will continue to thicken, and combined with lawn treatments, protect itself from weeds. By having your lawn aerated and seeded, it will continue to grow stronger year after year.

Your lawn can be one that neighbors admire from the sidewalk. It can be a great place to host a backyard party or enjoy a picnic.

All of your hard work and dedication will pay off when you can relax on the lawn of your dreams.

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